Hi there, just wanted to share couple of photos done by me (yes – no Veronica, Sinisa or other pros this time, :). These I took while preparing the ceremony site on Island of Lokrum.
(ATTENTION: these images were all taken with my mobile phone camera, so please ignore low quality – I know my photographers will laugh, 🙂

The ceremony was scheduled for 4PM (complete civil ceremony, with entire paperwork, registrar’s presence at the site, official translator and all the rest). GIven the summer temperature (around 30 degrees Celsius) Island of Lokrum was a great choice. There is some breeze coming from the sea there, nice green plants protect people from the direct sun rays, and most important of all: the boat ride from Old City Harbour to Portoč harbour on Island of Lokrum comes as a natural air condition.
Wedding Ceremony Island of Lokrum, July 2013 (19)
We coordinated three separate rides to islands. Moms arrived first in their speed boat, guests docked with a bigger wooden boat, while my dear J arrived with another speed boat, just close to the ceremony starting time.
Drinks refreshments started at the ceremony place in Benedictine monastery, continuing with a chill-out at the park close.


OK. Now’s the time to check what followed up in the evening. Again my mobile in action, 🙂

Here is an idea of the Beach Terrace at Grand Villa Argentina. Close to the dinner start at 7PM (TIP: start at that time of later in July).

And to close the post… not need to mention this was again my mobile (this time in terrible quality, 🙂